Submission Opportunities and Guidelines

MILLENNIUM MAGAZINE Special Submission Options

Feature Story/Interview in Digital/Web/Print – Each featured person is chosen by our editorial team and must meet specific criteria – to include social media reach (# of twitter followers, FB fans, LinkedIn followers, etc). If featured you/your client would be asked to mention the article/feature on each of your social media channels. You must include at least one photo of person being featured. $500 per booking. “Pitch us today” 

Sponsored Posts – this is an article-like post that clearly states it is a sponsored post at the end of the article. Sponsored posts can include 2 backlinks. Size 250 to 850 words. To inquire about pricing email with the suggested post included in the body of the email. All attachments will be discarded. Up to three graphics can be submitted with sponsored posts (one of which can be a logo). $250 per submission

Web Advertorials – based upon space availability. This is similar to a sponsored post except this can be in the form of an advertisement or an article – there is a flat fee of $500-$1000 for this type of content and “Advertorial” is clearly stated at the beginning of the article. Size of placement “approximately one-to-two paragraph write up” 250 to 500 words with one link back included. To inquire about this, email with the company name and link included in the body of an email. All attachments will be discarded. One Logo or graphic can be included with advertorial.

Product Reviews – please inquire on details and pricing by contacting

Book Reviews – please inquire on details and pricing by contacting

Required Format: Your submissions can be submitted in plain text or html in the BODY of an email. We no longer accept article attachments in document or PDF format. We encourage and request pictures/photos and other visuals to be included either as an attachment or a link to source.

Payment: All payments are to be made through our PayPal – PayPal email: You may request an invoice be sent to your accounts payable team or specific email – Please email us at: to request. Before making a payment, please make sure to communicate with our Advertising team via email or phone. 212-709-8137

Submission Deadlines: All orders must be received before or by the 15th of every month prior to the issue you would like to appear in our digital, print and video editions. We may make special exceptions surrounding key events, celebrities and companies timetables when possible.