You’ve decided that you’re sick and tired of not doing enough for your health. You’re keen to take steps to put your health and wellbeing first, the issue is that there seems to be a lack of opportunities to do so nearby. You may have noticed that locally there’s a lack of community oriented health and wellness activities, facilities and opportunities.
While it may not be your job to manage the amount of health and wellness opportunities available to your local community, if you want to make getting – and staying – in shape a little easier for yourself, you might want to consider taking a community approach to health and wellness and taking the time to put steps in place to make getting – and staying – in shape easier for the whole community.
Wondering what steps you could take to do that? Below is a guide to a few simple ways that you can make building a healthier and more content community a little simpler and easier to achieve. For everything that you need to know, have a read of this!
Think About What’s Needed
The first step to creating a community with health and wellbeing at the forefront is to think about what is needed to create this kind of community. You need to think about what it may take to make health and wellbeing a priority for local people, and why so many people on a local basis struggle to stay in shape.
Often, the cause of this kind of issue is simply a lack of facilities and opportunities; if an area lacks opportunities for staying in shape or there’s an issue with facilities, this makes keeping fit far more challenging, and thus leads to a higher number of people who are lacking the level of fitness that they should have.
Consider Your Options
The next step is to take the time to consider what your options are when it comes to building a healthier and happier community. If you are going to build a community that has the potential to be healthier, you need to think about what your options are for doing so – what would it take for you to make staying in shape easier for everyone?
Not sure what the answer is? Consider undertaking some local research. Take the time to go around speaking with local people and gaining their insight and feedback about why there is a widespread issue with staying in shape and being healthy locally. The chances are that you will gain a lot of useful information that will make meeting your goals a little easier to achieve.
Start with Team Sports
A simple way to start getting more and more people focusing on fitness in one area is to start with team sports. In order to work effectively, team sports require a team. A lot of people enjoy team sports more than other forms of exercise, so you’re sure to get lots of people opting to sign up to join your sports team, regardless of what sport you’re training for. Just make sure to pick a sport that’s generally popular and is open to all abilities, as this means that you should get more people signing up to join your team.
If you are going to start a sports club, make sure that you have all of the necessary equipment in place. There’s no point trying to launch a sports club half heartedly; if you’re going to do it, you have to do it properly. That means if you’re launching a football club that you need to invest in nets, if you’re launching a baseball club you need to get a pitching machine, and if you’re starting a basketball club you need to get the right hoops. Make sure that you have all of the facilities that you need to make your sports club a success.
Plan Group Activities
Once you’ve managed to get a sports team – or a few teams – up and running, the next step is to start planning other group activities. Think about what might be popular locally – not sure, then why not ask people what kinds of activities they might want to get involved in? By finding out what people would enjoy doing, you can increase the chances of local people getting involved in what you’re organising.
When it comes to group activities make sure that you make a calendar of what’s being offered and when, so that everyone knows what options there are available. Perhaps you could decide on a selection of activities, and then rotate them on a regular basis. So if the activities that everyone wanted to try were yoga, dancing, volleyball, and tennis, you could aim to rotate these activities on a regular basis, to ensure that there’s always something different going on. This is important to help prevent boredom; the last thing you want is people getting bored of what you’re offering.
Utilize Feedback
Want to make sure that local people keep utilizing the events that you are holding? It’s important that you make sure that you utilize the feedback that has been given to you by local people attending your events, and make sure that you are paying attention to what other people want and would enjoy.
When it comes to gaining feedback, consider how you could gain feedback from local people. You might find that creating a Facebook group could be a good way for everyone to stay connected and keep in touch, as well as a simple way to make receiving feedback as simple and easy as possible for everyone. Just make sure that whatever feedback you get, that you take the time to properly take it on board and consider whether it should be utilized.
There you have it, a guide to how you can help to build a healthier – and happier – local community. Hopefully, the above guide will help you to ensure that you are able to create a community that’s happier and healthier than ever before.