If you managed to keep your job in 2020 and 2021, that was probably enough to keep you satisfied. As the world returns to a sense of normality, however, you’ll now be eager to achieve more. Not least of the pandemic highlighted that your career wasn’t quite where you wanted it to be.
Taking the leap of faith is a wonderful thing but you need to know you’ve made the right choice. Ask yourself the following five questions and you won’t go far wrong.
Will I enjoy it?
Over the past two years, millions of people have realized that they never enjoyed their work. Putting this right could be one of the key steps to building a better career. If you love the idea of breaking free from the office and getting fit, PTing could be ideal. Taking your personal trainer certification online could be the first step to finally putting your life back on track. The idea that if you love your job you’ll never work again is a little inaccurate. Still, working on your passion is advantageous. Not least because engagement inspires productivity.
Can I earn good money?
It’s great that you’ve realized money isn’t the only important factor. Nonetheless, you must ensure that you earn enough to meet your financial commitments. Starting a new career doesn’t necessarily mean joining a new industry. You may find that switching companies is more than enough to help you start climbing the ladder. Crucially, you must learn to present yourself in a winning way. A resume template could help you achieve this. Before accepting any role, though, understanding the financial elements will be key.
Should I work for myself?
The opportunities to grow a small business are at an all-time high. As such, people with an entrepreneurial mindset may find that going it alone is the answer. It removes the potential ceiling while also putting you in control. However, it does mean that you’ll face added responsibilities and potential instability in the early phases. Nonetheless, if you are passionate about the work and have the personality to thrive, it could be the right route. It may work out that the best option is to start as a part-time side hustle.
Is the industry stable?
Changes caused by the pandemic aren’t the only developments you need to consider. The world has evolved and some industries have benefited while others have suffered. Checking out the growing sectors can help you consider the best job roles suited to your education and experiences. Most workers have a host of transferable skills, so there’s nothing to stop you from making a switch. The knowledge that the future of your company is in safe hands will give you the ability to focus on working hard and with a clear mindset.
However, if your passion is in an industry that is known for being pretty unstable, the best thing that you can do is believe in yourself, but have a backup plan in place. Take inspiration from people in the field that you admire such as Travis Preston at CalArts if theater is where your heart is, and trust yourself. If you know that you’ve got what it takes, then make the industry stable enough for you.
Does it fit my lifestyle?
Finally, a great career is a central ingredient in the recipe for a happy life but isn’t the only one. Therefore, knowing that the new job can integrate into a balanced lifestyle should be a priority. No job is worth losing your mental wellness over. Ultimately, it is only one piece of the puzzle and should snap snugly in place. Thinking about the location and the expected schedules and work patterns will be vital. When you get it right, you’ll be happier in your work life as well as daily activities. Frankly, it’s the least you deserve.