Nowadays, due to the coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic, many of us are finding ourselves indoors within our own four walls for the majority of the time. We’re working from home. We can’t go out to socialise with friends and have to settle for video calls instead. We spend our free time and leisure time in our own living spaces. Often, the most we get out is to do our food shopping or to collect a prescription. As you can imagine, fashion isn’t the top of our priorities right now. Many of us are settling for pyjamas or loungewear for day to day wear, with slippers instead of shoes, and accessorising has gone out of the window. But this doesn’t have to be the case. If you’re missing getting dressed up and have some sort of video call appointment, or simply want to look nice when you do leave the house, you can still feel completely free to make an effort and throw a few accessories into your look. This will help you to feel a touch of normality and to feel good in yourself for a while too! Getting ready can take your mind off the pandemic and you can let your hair down and breathe for a while. Of course, accessorising isn’t always straightforward and can be difficult to get right. So, here are a few suggestions that will help you along the way!
Let’s start out with jewelry. Jewelry is something that you can wear every day and easily work into your look. It’s probably one of the easiest accessories to work! You can have subtle pieces of bold, statement pieces. Whatever you choose is entirely up to you. Just one piece of jewelry can be worn with an endless variety of different outfits as long as it’s a relatively simple and plain item. Others can contrast relatively plain outfits with bold designs, prints and textures, entirely making the outfit! Whether you like the look of bracelets or bangles, earrings, pre-owned Rolex watches, charm necklaces or anything else, give it a go and try them out. They could become a new firm favorite that you wear every single day! You may even want to wear a few items of jewelry at a time!
Unlike accessorizing with other clothing items, a lot of jewelry that you purchase can be timeless, and almost indestructible. Because of this, jewelry is also a great investment if you are looking to not only look good but be clever with your financial situation too. Sometimes choosing the right kind of jewelry can seem daunting, or overwhelming as there are many different types, from rings to necklaces, bracelets, or even earrings. Once you have chosen the type of jewelry you then have the decision of whether you will get silver, gold, or even diamond-encrusted jewelry. So, if you are feeling a little lost when it comes to picking out the perfect jewelry, just remember that there is no shame in asking for help and advice when you want to look your best. Most of the best custom jewelers are more than happy to help guide you through the items that they have, so make sure you speak up if you are a little stuck with what to get!
Although there is a lot of choice when it comes to picking out what you like, one of the best things about accessorizing with jewelry is that you basically cannot go wrong, it is all just down to personal preference, and what you think makes you look and feel good. This is why many people will suggest using jewelry to accessorize your outfits as it is almost impossible to go wrong, and the smallest subtle changes can have a huge impact on the look of your entire outfit.
Another accessory to consider is glasses. Now, if you don’t need glasses, you might not be interested in this section, but you could always consider glasses with plain glass lenses rather than prescription lenses. If you do wear glasses for sight, you don’t have to settle on something dull. Instead, they could become a signature part of your look or a really standout accessory. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors, so browse the market and you may find something that you really love! Whether that’s cat eye shape, large and round, small and square or anything else. You may also enjoy a variety of colors and prints. While black or tortoise shell tend to seem the most popular, there are alternatives, including gold wire frames, pink, orange, patterned and more. Glasses can be a complementary addition to any look.
Making sure your glasses suit your personality is key, but it needs to be affordable too. Luckily, one of the top places to buy glasses online is, where they sell a wide range of styles from the biggest designers, all with a best price guarantee. They also stock hundreds of eyewear styles in their cheap glasses collection, with frames from as little as £6.
There’s a whole world of accessories out there – we really are only just getting started with this list – but hopefully, the above ideas will act as inspiration and get the ball rolling for you!