Once again the annual National Meningitis Association (NMA), Give A Kid A Shot Gala garnered tremendous support from the Celebrities, VIPs and Friends who came out to spread the word that this disease is preventable! Hosted at the spectacular New York Athletic Club overlooking Central Park, guests consumed good food, drink and conversation while bidding on the generous silent auction gifts. The Honorary Chairs Ambassador & Mrs. John L. Loeb & Para Olympic Gold Medalist Nick Springer, a meningitis survivor, greeted the guests with thankful smiles as committee Co-Chairs Sara Herbert Galloway, Gary Springer and Lenore Cooney along with NMA President Lynn Bozof also showed their heartfelt appreciation to all who came. The lovely Rita Cosby, filled in for customary NMA host Richard Thomas, who’s filming on Law & Order SVU ran overtime but showed up during the ceremony to personally congratulate and thank the honorees and supporters.
This year’s honorees were Dr. William Schaffner, who received a Health Achievement Award for his advocacy of the role of vaccines in protecting individual and community health and Cindy Krejny founder of Moms on Meningitis who collected the Outstanding Service Award for her tireless efforts to educate the public about Meningitis. Massachusetts State Senator Jack Hart who pushed the passage of a mandatory vaccination in his home state, received the Nancy Ford Springer Inspiration Award and NASCAR record breaking winner Kyle Busch & his wife Samantha accepted the Community Leadership Award for the work of their Kyle Busch Foundation in support of programs that aid disabled and disadvantaged children around the country. After an emotionally charged ceremony, the delicious food and wonderful surprise entertainment by Incognito (an undercover group who sang opera and show tunes) topped off the evening with a healthy smile.
By: Lauren Clarke-Bennett
The National Meningitis Association (NMA) is a nonprofit organization founded by parents of children who have died or live with long-term effects from meningococcal disease, also called bacterial meningitis. NMA works to protect families from the potentially devastating effects of meningococcal disease by educating the public, medical professionals and others about the disease and its prevention. The NMA network also provides critical emotional support for families who have been affected by meningococcal disease. Additionally, NMA raises awareness of other preventable diseases and recommended vaccines across the lifespan. For more information about NMA’s life-saving work, please visit www.nmaus.org