5 Types of Tinted Prescription Glasses and When to Wear Them

Wearing tinted prescription glasses is a common thing for most of us. Tinted glasses are no longer outside-only eyewear, as many people are wearing these glasses indoors. Not only do the tinted glasses look fab, but they also offer protection against ultraviolet rays and give superior clarity.

This article will teach you about various tinted prescription glasses and when to wear them. You will learn about the specific colors that have particular effects and help you understand which glasses are right for you.

Blue tinted glasses

Blue tinted glasses enhance color perception and can be worn indoors and outdoors. These glasses offer protection from highly refractive surfaces, like water or glass. They are also said to be very beneficial during foggy weather conditions. Suppose you are looking for a perfect way to improve your vision by even 20%.

Blue tinted glasses filter out specific colors and reduce the effects of glare. So, the amount of light reaching your eyes will be significantly reduced, which protects your eyes from damage. Additionally, they boost energy when you need it the most. If you experience headaches when exposed to bright lights, these are the perfect lenses for you. People who work on their computers all day or spend many hours in front of a screen can use this lens to reduce eye strain.

Regarding concentration, these glasses make it possible to focus for extended periods. FL-41 tint glasses can help if you are prone to migraines when exposed to bright light conditions. These glasses reduce fluorescent light’s intensity, reducing light impact symptoms.

Yellow tinted glasses

Yellow tinted glasses are said to be helpful for moderate low-level light conditions. You should wear them if the surroundings are less bright and you are straining to see things. Yellow tinted glasses have a great contrast-enhancing property that makes them best for use when driving for night sports.

You can wear them when driving under foggy conditions to help you see clearly. They are highly prescribed for people with color distortion. These lens tints are designed to filter blue-light wavelengths that scatter more quickly than other colors due to short wavelengths.

When the blue light scatters, it is hard to focus on the objects. The blocking of blue light reduces eye fatigue and increases the depth of perception. Wearing these glasses one hour before retiring to the bed reduces the effects of melatonin suppression.

Brown tinted glasses

These glasses are highly recommended for people with short-sightedness or a condition known as myopia. Wearing these glasses brings comfort to the eyes in sunny conditions and helps you to have better contrast. Brown tinted glasses help you to see things better during cloudy days.

They also help improve depth perception, which helps with activities like driving, where you need to pay attention to smaller objects at a distance. Brown tinted glasses offer a lot of comfort to people who spend most of their time outdoors. They increase visual clarity, making activities like hunting, cycling and fishing more enjoyable.

Most of these prescription glasses are polarized to reduce glares from refractive surfaces. And this helps you see more clearly when enjoying activities like skiing in the snow. Ensure that you find the right frame that can fit your face shape.

Gray tinted glasses

Gray tinted glasses are meant for those with hyperopia or fair-sightedness. They help the eyes deal with fatigue and are believed to be all-purpose sunglasses. These glasses are more common, and they never go out of style. Besides looking classy on these glasses, you are protecting your eyes from refractive glares due to their polarization effects.

Gray tinted glasses provide an accurate color perception, which explains why they are great for general use. You can use them indoors with lighter lenses and for the outdoors with darker lens tints. There is no need to worry about weather changes when wearing these glasses as they work well with weather conditions.

One of the most important steps to identifying gray-tinted glasses that can fit you perfectly lies within the frame’s selection. A perfect frame is likely to complement your facial features.

Rose-tinted glasses

Rose-tinted glasses improve visibility for detailed and depth perception. There are even precision-tinted migraine glasses that are tinted with rosy color. These glasses are designed to filter certain wavelengths of light that trigger headaches. There are no side effects known to result from wearing these rose-tinted glasses.

Sometimes, you might go through the adjustment period and feel that their color perception is slightly off. Most optical shops offer these glasses as an option when you order. They check through the optician’s prescription to determine the lens that fits your condition.

It’s your responsibility to choose a frame that fits your head to avoid strain when wearing these glasses. If you want to try rose-tinted glasses, it’s entirely your choice but ensure that you get a prescription from an experienced optician.